Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hope abounds!

I've been watching this one tomato for what seems like weeks, waiting for it to turn red.  Impatience caused me to clip off the one that was right next to it and put it in the window to speed up the process.  This one I left on the vine and walla!  I think I see hope!

Growing tomatoes has been a success for us this year.  Well - with the cherry tomatoes and the beefsteak variety anyway.  The romas have been grainy and light, not juicy at all ~ but plants produce a ton of them so they make good food for the pigs!  As for me, I'm waiting on these!  They should be perfect in a couple of days!

Look who's smiling!

Beautiful weather this morning!  Low humidity and in the 70's.  Heat wave expected to start tomorrow so today is the day to get ready.