Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Skipping steps may have proven to be a bad idea....

Should have done this long ago, but just got around to it today.  Took a soil sample down to the Charleston County Clemson Extension to find out if the soil condition in the beds is as good as it can be for a successful garden.  You know what every gardening book you read tells you to do as a first step after you pick out your sunny spot, right?  Test the soil.
Well, somehow I figured we could probably get away with skipping that step.  After all, we had mixed some sandy soil with a truckload of "fines" that we had delivered from a friend's grind site and I knew we had a ton of very rich organic material (that even smelled organic)  ~ so I figured if it looked good,  and smelled good, it must be good.

(If you live in the Charleston area, the extension is on King St downtown.  Each sample tested costs $6.00.  You get the results by email within a couple of weeks.)
Well, I've come to discover that some of the plants are having issues.  This was not suppose to happen.  The basil has dark spots on it, the cilantro is turning orange and the lettuce has yellow leaves.

I'm hoping the soils test will reveal a simple solution.  Maybe it is something as simple as too much water since we've had a lot of rain - but whatever it turns out to be, it motivated me to get the soil tested. I'll be posting an update once I've been enlightened as to what is going on here.

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